The Sixes RiverThe Sixes River is located 5 miles north of Port Orford, Oregon just past its sister river The Elk. The Sixes River, like the Elk River is a relatively small stream, about 30 miles long. It also has healthy runs of Oregon Winter Steelhead and late returning Chinook salmon. McKenzie Drift Boat access is good with put-ins at Edson creek (6 miles east of Hwy 101), Mid-Drift (3 miles east of 101), Sixes Grange / Sixes Store (at 101), and Cape Blanco on the Pacific Coast (3 miles west of 101). Sixes River Salmon Fishing begins after the first fall rains blow out the sand bars that accumulate during the summer months. The mouth of the Sixes River can be seen by driving towards Cape Blanco with views near The Hughes House. Fishing the Sixes River also requires many different fishing techniques.Back Trolling Kwikfish, Bait Divers are the most popular. |
River Salmon Fishing |
As with all Chinook salmon fishing look for Sixes Salmon in sharp turns and deep runs. Float Fishing deep eddy's will also catch Sixes Salmon. |
River King Salmon |
541-579-FISH (3474)