Onchorhynchus tshawytscha,
more commonly known as King Salmon, Tyee Salmon, Springer and Blackmouth.
These fish are the most well known Salmon in Oregon. With healthy
runs in most Oregon rivers they are sought after because of their
large size and tremendous fight.
What is little
known are the three different varieties of Oregon Chinook Salmon;
Chinook Salmon: The Spring Chinook Salmon begins its migration
in April-May, remaining throughout summer and will spawn in the fall.
The traditional spawning grounds for these Spring Chinook Salmon are
the headwaters of the Rogue River, the Umpqua River and the Columbia
River, including the Willamette River. What makes these Salmon unique
is the fact that the spawning grounds are located further upstream
than any other salmon. Willamette Spring Chinook will travel over
200 miles from the Pacific Ocean. Early Native Americans harvested
'Springers' as far inland as Idaho's Salmon River, 900 miles from
the Pacific. The 'Springer' is far and away the most palatable of
the three varieties. Spring Chinook Fishing techniques include Back-Trolling,
Back-Bouncing and Bobber fishing.
Fall Chinook
Salmon: Oregon Fall King Salmon begins to enter its home streams
in August-September and will spawn as early as October. These King
Salmon are common in most Oregon coastal rivers and are fished most
heavily in the Tidal estuaries along the coast. Soon after entering
fresh water the Fall King salmon begins to change colors, from silver
to brown and the fish itself begins to deteriorate. Common King Salmon
fishing techniques are trolling Herring and casting spinners and spoons.
Bobber fishing for salmon can be very productive at certain times.
Kings: The Winter King Salmon is the most little known of
the three varieties of Chinook Salmon. These Oregon King Salmon enter
small rivers on the South Coast
of Oregon after the rains of November have cleared the sandbars
from the mouths of these rivers. The run peaks in Mid-Late December.
Fishing Oregon Rivers such as The Sixes River, The Elk River, The
Chetco River and The Smith River is a very unique Chinook Salmon experience.
These rivers are less than forty miles long and the King Salmon entering
them remain bright due to the small distance they travel to spawning
grounds. These Oregon King Salmon can reach up to 60 lbs, though,
25-35 lbs are more common. Oregon King Salmon Fishing techniques vary
for this Salmon. Due to severe winter rains, these rivers change conditions
quickly and dramatically. Back-Bouncing, Herring wrapped Kwikfish
and the use of a Bait-Diver are the most common techniques.
Be sure to check
out article by Mike Stalberg of the Register Guard
Gold Coast Salmon